Focus on key CP86 deliverables

CP86 Compliance Solution

Focus on key CP86 deliverables


Built to meet the ever changing needs of Management Companies, GECKO allows firms to focus on meeting their legal and regulatory requirements, including those captured under CP86. Providing a holistic, real-time view of delegates, tasks and responsibilities, all activity is formally recorded and stored, evidencing how the relevant conclusion was reached at the click of a button.

OE Director

Record and maintenance of all records including conflicts of interest and personal transactions on an ongoing basis. Customisable reporting tool to generate detailed, meaningful reports. Formally documented interactions with the OED & DPs as required and available at the click of a button to showcase to regulators as and when requested.


Technology will create many efficiencies for staff, enabling them to make better use of their time. Clearly demonstrate management of all activities, including high quality and effective oversight of those activities performed by delegates. One centralised compliance dashboard assisting with demands on resourcing.

Board Approval of New Funds

Audit trail functionality shows the path to approvals so directors and key stakeholders are engaged early on and able to evidence robust discussions.

Risk Management

Create, store and maintain risk registers and risk appetite statements within GECKO. Record risk management framework and its approval by the Board.

Delegate Oversight

Facilitates initial, ongoing and annual due diligence reviews, particularly now as they may need to be done at a distance. Ensures high quality delegate reporting, evidence of challenge by the FMC, and a document repository to house critical information such as SLAs for all delegates.

Key Features

Document Repository

Create, store, maintain and easily retrieve files i.e. risk registers and risk appetite statements within GECKO.

Customisable Reporting Tool

Generate both regular & ad-hoc reports for Committees, Boards and Senior Management at the click of a button.

Third Party Management

Facilitates initial, ongoing and annual due diligence reviews, particularly now as they may need to be done at a distance.

Additional features


- API Centric
- Multi-user Application
- Clear Digital Footprint